Friday, May 20, 2011

Boys Boys Boys.

 Boys suck. They are what cause the majority of stress and drama in a teenage girl's life. I'm not even kidding. my entire year has been drama filled because of stupid boys. Like god damn. I'm just feeling boy crazy and not in the good way.

 It's hard to know when someone is telling the truth when all you hear is negative things from everyone else. And i feel like everyone else is bias when it comes to this topic so i don't really gain any advice from it, i just get more and more confused. It's stupid. I'm losing someone i care about. And there's nothing i can really do. Sometimes it's just better to let them go. Even if it's the hardest option on you.


  1. You're going to need to hang around some better boys

  2. i totally do. and i am making very much needed changes haha.
